Eyelid surgery complication
If you’ve had eyelid surgery in the past and are unhappy with your results, you may feel that you had bad plastic surgery.
As an expert in eyelid surgery, oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Amiya Prasad, M.D. has helped many people restore their appearance after having a bad plastic surgery experience.
Causes for Bad Eyelid Surgery
Among all the reasons behind bad plastic surgery, some of the most common reasons are (1) poor follow-up and (2) poor judgement on the part of the original surgeon.
When patients are not diligent in keeping up with their post-surgery check-ups, it can easily lead to complications such as infection, blood clots and even necrosis, especially if any stitches are not taken out after some time.
Overly aggressive surgeons may overdo certain procedures, resulting in the removal of too much skin in some cases. Poor patient screening is also another factor, especially if the surgeon does not take into consideration the patient’s health or the ramifications certain surgical procedures will have on certain patients in the long run. Is this patient really a candidate for cosmetic surgery? Will this patient benefit more from this surgery or another type of surgery? These are a few of the questions surgeons should be asking when evaluating a patient.
Factors associated with bad plastic surgery after eyelid surgery include:
- Your body’s healing process
- Conditions which affected the type of surgery performed
- The anatomy of your eyes and face
- Type of surgical technique performed
- Bleeding or infection after surgery
The Most Common “Bad Plastic Surgery” Conditions We Treat
- Lower eyelids which are pulled down (eyelid retraction)
- Eyes that look too open (staring or surprised look)
- Lower eyelids which pull away from the eye so you can see the inside (ectropion)
- Hollow appearance
- Eyes that look sad
- Eyes that don’t “look like you” – loss of character
- Eyes which are dry and irritated
- Difficulty with eye closure (those needing tape to close eyes at night)
Dr. Amiya Prasad Talks About How to Correct Asian Eyelid Surgery as a Result of Bad Eyelid Surgery
Dr. Amiya Prasad Talks About How to Improve Previous Eyelid Surgery
What’s My Next Step?
If you live close enough to our locations in New York City or Garden City, Long Island, it would be best for you to come in for a complete consultation and examination. Bring any photos of yourself before your surgery and any photos you have taken afterwards. During initial consultation, it is not necessary to bring any medical records.
If you live outside of the area of our offices, we can arrange a consultation through Skype. Complete the info form so that we may correspond with you, and feel free to call us any time to get more information.